Saturday, October 28, 2006


I was standing in the shower trying to figure out what the hell has happened to my life.
I looked straight ahead as the water continued to run and saw the folds in the top of the plastic shower curtain at the top near the rings. They looked like faces, all dented and distored.
Looking at me.
Waiting for me to make my move.
Waiting for me to be great.
To do great things.
And I stood there and waited.
Waited for myself to come up with an answer.
But the only answer I got was when I turned around and faced the shower head and the
water splashed on my face, continuous and unforgiving.
Like life.
I was standing in the shower trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life.
The drain was clogged and the water was rising.
Eventually I'd run out of time.
Like life.
I stood in the shower and waited for myself to come up with an answer.
The only answer I came up with was that the water was burning me.
Like life!


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