Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Help me...

Many graduated people can not take their favourite careers here, so they do compelled works. In this nuclear country(!) me, as a MSc mining engineer, how can I take a good stuff and how can I get money?! you know or not, getting money is tighter and tighter here but how can I be an effective man? How can I be an useful person to improve the science, to explore new mineral deposites? Huh?! so if I immigrate to an developed country such as Canada, I can do all of them definitely. Can’t I?!
How can I prepare to immigrate to? I have a great problem. What’s that? That’s military service. So if we have a war (I mean the war between Iran and the US because of our fucking nuclear process), maybe I’ll be a soldier and maybe I’ll be murder on the battlefield.
So you should tell me how can I get the PhD visa?
How can I be a PhD student?
How can I move to Canada?
Help me if you like me!


Blogger pupak said...


I sure there is a way. in germany you can refuse to go to military.
pacifists and many other men apply community service in place of military service.
sure Mohammad Ali went to jail but time have changed, dosent it?!
youre body dont belong to the government.
I'm about to get my school leaving examination this year so I dont know nothing about a PhD (player hater degree?) ;)
but I ask my english teacher. he knows a lot. I let you know.
see ya

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger pupak said...

ps. I gess 0.5 language is german?
Übrigens ist was Ihre Grade??? ;)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:32:00 AM  
Blogger Tai said...

Gosh, being IN Canada already, I never thought to consider how to get in!

I'm sure it's possible...there must be sites full of information.

Recently a friend from Switzerland came here and now is a 'landed immigrant'.
If she can do it, so can you!
(It does take some time, though)

(Canada IS pretty awesome, if I do say so myself!)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:13:00 PM  

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